Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Gingivitis ( Radang Gusi )

Gingivitis adalah penyakit gusi ringan yang menyebabkan peradangan gusi. Karena saking ringannya, seringkali Anda tak memperhatikan bahwa kesehatan gusi Anda bermasalah. Tapi penting untuk menangani gingivitis ini dengan serius karena kondisi ini akan memicu timbulnya penyakit gusi lainnya yang lebih parah.

Jika gusi Anda bengkak dan berdarah saat Anda menyikat gigi, ada kemungkinan Anda menderita gingivitis. Penyebab utama dari gingivitis ini adalah buruknya kesehatan mulut. Kebiasaan sehat, seperti menyikat gigi dua kali sehari, dapat mencegah terjadinya gingivitis.

Tanda-tanda dan gejala gingivitis meliputi:
• Gusi bengkak
• Gusi lunak
• Mudah terluka
• Gusi mudah berdarah ketika menyikat gigi
• Napas tak sedaph
• Perubahan warna gusi dari pink menjadi merah kehitaman

Karena jarang gingivitis terasa sakit, maka seringkali Anda tak sadar bila sudah menderita gingivitis. Pertama kali Anda seharusnya melihat ada yang salah jika bulu sikat gigi Anda terlihat warna pink. Itu artinya gusi Anda berdarah saat menyikat gigi meski dilakukan pelan-pelan.

Kapan ke dokter gigi
Gusi yang sehat adalah gusi yang kuat dan berwarna pink. Jika gusi Anda bengkak, berwarna merah tua dan mudah berdarah, segera pergi ke dokter gigi. Bila Anda segera menjalani perawatan di dokter gigi, ada peluang untuk mengatasi kerusakan akibat gingivitis dan mencegah munculnya penyakit yang lebih parah.


Gingivitis hampir selalu diawali dengan terbentuknya plak (plaque), yaitu lapisan film tak berwarna yang terbentuk dari penumpukan bakteri pada gigi. Plak ini terbentuk di atas gigi saat bakteri dan gula dari makanan bertemu dengan bakteri di dalam mulut. Menyikat gigi dapat menghilangkan lapisan plak ini, tapi lapisan ini akan terbentuk lagi dalam waktu 24 jam.

Plak yang bersemayam di gigi lebih dari dua hingga tiga hari dapat mengeras di bawah garis gusi menjadi karang gigi (calculus). Karang gigi ini membuat plak lebih sulit dibersihkan dan akan menjadi sarang yang baik bagi bakteri. Untuk menghilangkan karang gigi tak bisa hanya dengan menyikat gigi, tapi butuh bantuan dokter gigi.

Semakin lama plak dan karang gigi menempel pada gigi, lapisan ini akan lebih mudah mengiritasi gingiva, bagian dari gusi yang berada di sekitar dasar gigi. Suatu saat gusi akan bengkak dan mudah berdarah.

Gingivitis yang tak dirawat dapat meningkat menjadi periodontitis, yaitu kondisi penyakit gusi yang lebih serius. Periodontitis dapat menyebabkan gigi tanggal dan bahkan dapat memicu serangan jantung dan stroke. Sementara bagi wanita yang hamil, periodontitis menyebabkan kemungkinan bayi lahir prematur.

Diagnosis gingivitis umumnya sederhana. Diagnosis didasarkan pada penggambaran gejala dan pengujian terhadap mulut dan lidah. Doker gigi akan mencari lapisan plak dan karang gigi dan bisa juga menguji gusi apakah mudah berdarah atau tidak.

Jika tak diketahui apa penyebab gingivitis, dokter gigi akan merekomendasikan untuk melakukan evaluasi medis untuk mengetahui secara pasti kondisinya.


Cara terbaik mencegah terjadinya gingivitis adalah melaksanakan program merawat gigi secara higienis, dan hal ini harus dilakukan sejak dini serta dipraktikkan secara konsisten sepanjang hidup Anda. Itu artinya Anda harus menyikat gigi dua kali sehari, yaitu pagi hari dan malam menjelang tidur, dan membersihkan lapisan plak sekali dalam sehari, karena lapisan ini terbentuk dalam waktu 24 jam. Lebih baik lagi jika menyikat gigi begitu selesai makan.

Selain itu, Anda harus rutin mengunjungi dokter gigi atau ahli kesehatan gigi, setidaknya setiap enam bulan atau setahun sekali, untuk melakukan pembersihan gigi. Tapi jika Anda punya faktor risiko yang dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan mengalami gingivitis, Anda harus lebih sering melakukan pembersihan gigi oleh ahli kesehatan gigi.


Gingivitis Overview

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis is one of many periodontal diseases that affect the health of the periodontium (those tissues that surround the teeth and include the gums, soft tissues, and bone).

Periodontal diseases are often classified according to their severity. They range from mild gingivitis, to more severe periodontitis, and finally acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, which can be life threatening.

# Bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums. Although bacteria are normally found in our bodies and provide protective effects most of the time, bacteria can be harmful. The mouth is a great place for bacteria to live. The warm, moist environment and constant food supply are everything bacteria need to thrive. If not for a healthy immune system, bacteria in the mouth would rapidly reproduce out of control, overwhelming the body's defense system.

# An infection begins when the body's immune system is overwhelmed. Gingivitis is an infection that occurs when bacteria invade soft tissues, bone, and other places that bacteria should not be. At the moment of infection, bacteria no longer help us, they begin to harm us. Infections, like other diseases, range from mild to severe or life threatening.

Gingivitis Causes

Gingivitis is considered to be a bacterial infection of the gums. The exact reason why gingivitis develops has not been proven, but several theories exist.

# For gingivitis to develop, plaque must accumulate in the areas between the teeth. This plaque contains large numbers of bacteria thought to be responsible for gingivitis. But it is not simply plaque that causes gingivitis. Almost everyone has plaque on their teeth, but only a few develop gingivitis.

# It is usually necessary for the person to have an underlying illness or take a particular medication that renders their immune system susceptible to gingivitis. For example, people with leukemia and Wegner disease have changes in the blood vessels of their gums that allow gingivitis to develop. Other people with diabetes, Addison disease, HIV, and other immune system diseases lack the ability to fight bacteria invading the gums.

# Sometimes hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, puberty, and steroid therapy leave the gums vulnerable to bacterial infection.

# A number of medications used for seizures, high blood pressure, and organ transplants can suppress the immune system and change the structure of the gums enough to permit bacterial infection.

Gingivitis Symptoms

# Swelling, redness, pain, and bleeding of the gums are signs of gingivitis.

# The breath begins to take on a foul odor.

# The gums begin to lose their normal structure and color. The gums, which were once strong and pink, begin to recede and take on a beefy red, inflamed color.

# Inflammation-a complex system by which bacteria-fighting cells of the body are recruited to an area of bacterial infection-plays a major role in gingivitis. It is this inflammation of the gums that accounts for most of the symptoms of gingivitis.

# When bacteria first begin to invade the gums, proteins present in the saliva and soft tissues called antibodies coat the bacteria and weaken it, making it an easy target for the body's immune system. The cells that encounter the bacteria first attempt to kill it and, in the mean time, release chemicals into the bloodstream to call other cells to their aid.

# One particular cell called a macrophage is responsible for ingesting the bacteria and dissolving it with chemicals. This system works nicely, but it is not terribly efficient. While the invading bacteria are destroyed, chemicals used by the immune system cells to kill them are spilled into the surrounding tissues. This not only kills the bacteria but damages the nearby connective tissues and cells of the gums as well.

# The body sees this inflammation as a small price to pay for stopping the bacteria. This process will continue until the source of the infection is removed.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

artikel 2

The Role Of Cavities And Fillings In Your Oral Health

Most people at one time in their life will face the issue of cavities and fillings . They are not inevitable, but just the same, many people will have to endure a filling at some point in their life. A cavity occurs when the tooth becomes decayed and leaves a hole in the tooth, exposing the nerve and the inner portion of the tooth. It is necessary for the dentist to treat the cavity with a filling to prevent any further decay of the tooth.

How Do Cavities Occur

The first thing that you should know about cavities and fillings is how they occur. When you know the cause of the problem, you can be more proactive about eliminating the need for fillings and an elimination of cavities in your future.

Improper dental hygiene is largely responsible for cavities and fillings. Removing the plaque from your teeth and keeping your mouth clean is the best preventative medicine to keeping cavities from happening. When plaque is not removed from the teeth and mouth, eventually the bacteria and acids will begin to attack the enamel on the teeth. Left unchecked, this decay can go even further to the dentin layer of your teeth.

Brushing and flossing are an important part of your oral health care routine. You should remember to brush after eating and floss to remove the food particles and plaque that is between your teeth and in areas where your toothbrush cannot reach.
Treatment For Cavities

The dentist will remove the decayed part of the tooth and fill it with a material that will protect the tooth from further decay and problems. The cavity must be filled to keep bacteria out of the area and food debris from becoming lodged in the cavity. All of the decayed tooth must be removed. Simply filling in the cavity is often not enough and the dentist will have to drill away damaged areas of the tooth to stop the spread of tooth decay.

There are a number of materials that are used for filling cavities . The dentist may use a lining to protect the nerve before the material is placed in the area. Some of the materials that are used for fillings are gold, porcelain , silver amalgam, or composite resins. The dentist will make his recommendation for the type of filling material that is used.
Avoiding Cavities And Fillings

Good oral hygiene will help you to avoid cavities and fillings. You should make sure that you follow the advice of your dentist and brush your teeth after every meal. At a minimum, you should be brushing your teeth for two minutes. This is a much longer time period than you might imagine. Check how long you typically brush your teeth and you will most likely find that you are far below the two-minute mark.

It is far easier to avoid cavities and fillings than it is to experience them because of the pain of a toothache. Practice good oral hygiene and you may never have to face the dentist’s drill again.

Nasal cavity cancer

Introduction: An area of the face which includes the protruding nose along with its nostrils and the structures inside the nose is called the nasal cavity. It is the air-filled space located behind the nose and above the throat. The nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses (the hollow, air-filled spaces in the bones around the nose) serve to filter moisten and warm air before it travels down into the lungs. Nasal Cavity Cancer is a rare form of cancer that begins in the nasal cavity (the inside of the nose) which is the first chamber of the respiratory system. The most common form of nasal cavity cancer is squamous cell carcinoma which forms in flat, epithelial cells that line the nasal cavity. Prolonged exposure to chemicals or dust may increase the risk of developing nasal cavity cancer. Most types of nasal cavity infections are simply just infections or capillaries, which can cause frequent nose bleeds and will not lead to nasal cancer. Men are affected twice as often as women with nasal related cancers. Treatment: Nasal cavity cancer treatment depends on several factors such as the cancer stage, type and location, as well as the patient's age and general health. A malignant tumor in the nose can spread to any part of the body so any abnormal growth in, or around the nose must be reported to the doctor. Surgery is required for these kind of nasal cancers in order to remove the rumor . radiation and chemotherapy although a more uncommon practice for nasal cancer can also be used sometime. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used as an adjuvant treatment (following surgery) to help kill any remaining cancerous cells. Causes: Inhalation of the smoke , certain infections of the nasal cavity , frequently occuring nasal infections, low immunity system (easily catch disease) , have a history of cancer in family and if an individual breathes in sawdust regularly then he is more prone to get a nasal caity cancer. Continuous exposure to metals like nickel, chromium and other organic chemicals used in manufacturing greatly increase the risk of developing nose cancer. Symptoms: Early stage of nasal cavity cancer displays no signs or symptoms but in later stages the tumor grows quite large and spreads to other areas of the body. nosebleeds, persistent congestion, pain or pressure around the eyes or ears, one-sided nasal obstruction, frequent headaches, a runny nose, enlarged lymph nodes, facial numbness or tingling, pain in the upper teeth, or a growth/mass in the nose are some possible symptoms associated with nasal cavity cancer. Potential symptoms should not be neglected as early detection and treatment of nose cancer greatly improves survival rates. References: cancermba.com cancercenter.com cancer.stanford.edu see less

Read more: http://www.righthealth.com/topic/Cavities/overview/uc_kosmixarticles#ixzz1MPXRKhVG

Dental cavities Guide

Causes, Incidence, And Risk Factors

Tooth decay is one of the most common of all disorders, second only to the common cold. It usually occurs in children and young adults but can affect any person. It is a common cause of tooth loss in younger people.

Bacteria are normally present in the mouth. The bacteria convert all foods -- especially sugar and starch -- into acids. Bacteria, acid, food debris, and saliva combine in the mouth to form a sticky substance called plaque that adheres to the teeth. It is most prominent on the back molars, just above the gum line on all teeth, and at the edges of fillings. Plaque that is not removed from the teeth mineralizes into tartar. Plaque and tartar irritate the gums, resulting in gingivitis and ultimately periodontitis.

Plaque begins to build up on teeth within 20 minutes after eating (the time when most bacterial activity occurs). If this plaque is not removed thoroughly and routinely, tooth decay will not only begin, but flourish.

The acids in plaque dissolve the enamel surface of the tooth and create holes in the tooth (cavities). Cavities are usually painless until they grow very large and affect nerves or cause a tooth fracture. If left untreated, a tooth abscess can develop. Untreated tooth decay also destroys the internal structures of the tooth (pulp) and ultimately causes the loss of the tooth.

Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) increase the risk of tooth decay. Sticky foods are more harmful than nonsticky foods because they remain on the surface of the teeth. Frequent snacking increases the time that acids are in contact with the surface of the tooth.

There may be no symptoms. If symptoms occur, they may include:

Tooth pain or achy feeling, particularly after sweet, hot, or cold foods and drinks
Visible pits or holes in the teeth

Signs And Tests

Most cavities are discovered in the early stages during routine checkups. The surface of the tooth may be soft when probed with a sharp instrument. Pain may not be present until the advanced stages of tooth decay. Dental x-rays may show some cavities before they are visible to the eye.

Treatment can help prevent tooth damage from leading to cavities.

Treatment may involve:

Root canals

Dentists fill teeth by removing the decayed tooth material with a drill and replacing it with a material such as silver alloy, gold, porcelain, or composite resin. Porcelain and composite resin more closely match the natural tooth appearance, and may be preferred for front teeth. Many dentists consider silver amalgam (alloy) and gold to be stronger, and these materials are often used on back teeth. There is a trend to use high strength composite resin in the back teeth as well.

Crowns or "caps" are used if tooth decay is extensive and there is limited tooth structure, which may cause weakened teeth. Large fillings and weak teeth increase the risk of the tooth breaking. The decayed or weakened area is removed and repaired. A crown is fitted over the remainder of the tooth. Crowns are often made of gold, porcelain, or porcelain attached to metal.

A root canal is recommended if the nerve in a tooth dies from decay or injury. The center of the tooth, including the nerve and blood vessel tissue (pulp), is removed along with decayed portions of the tooth. The roots are filled with a sealing material. The tooth is filled, and a crown may be placed over the tooth if needed.
Expectations (Prognosis)

Treatment often saves the tooth. Early treatment is less painful and less expensive than treatment of extensive decay.

You may need numbing medicine (lidocaine), nitrous oxide (laughing gas), or other prescription medications to relieve pain during or after drilling or dental work.

Nitrous oxide with Novocaine may be preferred if you are afraid of dental treatments.

Discomfort or pain
Fractured tooth
Inability to bite down on tooth
Tooth abscess
Tooth sensitivity

Calling Your Health Care Provider

Call your dentist if you have a toothache.

Make an appointment with your dentist for a routine cleaning and examination if you have not had one in the last 6 months to 1 year.

Oral hygiene is necessary to prevent cavities. This consists of regular professional cleaning (every 6 months), brushing at least twice a day, and flossing at least daily. X-rays may be taken yearly to detect possible cavity development in high risk areas of the mouth.

Chewy, sticky foods (such as dried fruit or candy) are best if eaten as part of a meal rather than as a snack. If possible, brush the teeth or rinse the mouth with water after eating these foods. Minimize snacking, which creates a constant supply of acid in the mouth. Avoid constant sipping of sugary drinks or frequent sucking on candy and mints.

Dental sealants can prevent some cavities. Sealants are thin plastic-like coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars. This coating prevents the accumulation of plaque in the deep grooves on these vulnerable surfaces. Sealants are usually applied on the teeth of children, shortly after the molars erupt. Older people may also benefit from the use of tooth sealants.

Fluoride is often recommended to protect against dental caries. It has been demonstrated that people who ingest fluoride in their drinking water or by fluoride supplements have fewer dental caries. Fluoride ingested when the teeth are developing is incorporated into the structure of the enamel and protects it against the action of acids.

Topical fluoride is also recommended to protect the surface of the teeth. This may include a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. Many dentists include application of topical fluoride solutions (applied to a localized area of the teeth) as part of routine visits

artikel 1


This is an inflammation of the gums, which happens due to bacterial infections or due to some disease conditions. The gums become tender and sore. There is no obvious pain, but when the gums are pressed, they will be painful and might even bleed. When plaque begins to build up on the teeth, it is an indication of a case of gingivitis coming on. Even some health conditions such as diabetes can bring on gingivitis. People who have inadequate diet, do not take care of their teeth, smoke and suffer stress often are likely candidates for this condition. However, this condition is not serious at all if it is diagnosed early. All symptoms of gingivitis can be easily reversed.
Bleeding Gums

Gums can bleed due to a variety of factors; in fact in most conditions gums will bleed. But this bleeding may not be apparent in all of these conditions. The dentists use a specific device known as a periodontal probe to determine whether or not gums are bleeding. Outwardly, this is manifested by the reddening of gums from their healthy pink color. Gums may become more sensitive and painful. If any such condition occurs, treatment becomes important because if left alone, it can cause more serious conditions later on, even culminating in the loss of teeth.

Any condition of inflammation of the gums can be called as periodontitis . In milder cases it is painless, but in chronic cases it can be extremely painful and may cause loss of teeth. In most cases of periodontitis , the damage is not only to the gums but also to the surrounding tissues and bones. The teeth are also affected. The milder form of this gum disease is known as aggressive periodontitis, while the more serious form is known as chronic periodontitis. These diseases are not age-related, but older people seem to have this condition more than younger people. Also, women are more predisposed to periodontitis than men. Tooth loss usually occurs when periodontitis aggravates to the chronic level.
Prevention of Gum Disease

All gum diseases can be prevented if due care is taken right from the start. Proper dental hygiene is a must and there must be regularity in brushing and flossing. It is vitally important not to let food particles accumulate on the teeth, gums or the tongue. Hence, tongue cleaning also becomes important.

Any changes in the gums must be noted early on. This includes any kind of darkening of the color of the gums, because the darkening will not occur all over, all at once. Also, if the toothbrush shows signs of blood after brushing, it must not be neglected, even though the brushing might have been painless.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Cara Mencegah Karies

Cukup Kumur Fluor untuk Cegah Karies
Sudah tahu sakit gigi itu benar-benar sakit, tetapi masih ada saja yang malas merawat giginya. Gigi dan kesehatan mulut yang tidak terjaga tidak hanya mengganggu kesehatan dan performa seseorang, tetapi juga orang lain di sekitar pemilik gigi dan mulut itu karena bau tak sedap yang dipancarkan.

Merawat gigi gampang dilakukan siapa saja, asalkan memiliki kesadaran. Menyikat gigi sedikitnya dua kali sehari, sebelum tidur dan setelah sarapan pagi. "Kalau bisa demikian, maka cukup enam bulan sekali kontrol ke dokter gigi untuk mengecek kondisi gigi dan kesehatan mulut," ujar pakar pencegahan karies gigi Prof drg Monang Panjaitan (59) yang terus giat berkampanye soal kesehatan gigi di mana-mana, terutama di Kota Medan sendiri.

Yang dimaksud Panjaitan dengan gigi sehat adalah yang tak ada kariesnya, tak ada gejala penyakit periodental, serta rapi bersusun ke-32 butirnya. Karies disebabkan oleh plak akibat adanya aktivitas bakteri pada gigi yang tak dibersihkan. Penyakit periodental dikarenakan kesehatan mulut yang tak terjaga, sementara gigi yang tak rapi bisa karena bawaan atau perawatan yang salah. Tetapi, semua itu dapat diproteksi sebelum kejadian atau diotak-atik oleh dokter gigi bila sudah ketelanjuran.
"Hanya dalam hitungan 3-4 menit bakteri Streptococcus mutans atau Lactobasilus akan memetabolismekan karbohidrat yang menempel di gigi dan menghasilkan asam. Asam inilah yang sifatnya merusak email gigi serta jaringan pendukungnya sehingga terjadi karies," ujar Panjaitan yang beberapa kali menjadi juara Bintang Radio se-Sumut pada era 1970-an untuk lagu seriosa. Menurut Panjaitan, tujuh dari sepuluh orang Indonesia mengidap sakit gigi jenis ini dengan berbagai tingkat kerusakan.
Maka tidak heran guru besar tetap ilmu dental public health pada Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Sumatera Utara ini terus berkampanye kesehatan gigi. Pidato pengukuhannya sebagai guru besar USU tahun 1999 adalah Pencegahan Karies Gigi Dengan Kumur-Kumur Fluor Dalam Program Usaha Kesehatan Gigi Di Sekolah.

ADA tiga cara memelihara kesehatan gigi. "Selain dengan menyikat gigi, cara lain adalah meminum teh hijau atau jenis teh lain karena mengandung fluor dan polifenol yang baik untuk gigi, ataupun dengan mengonsumsi xilitol," ujar pencipta lagu himne Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI) ini.
Fluor seperti banyak didengungkan dalam iklan pasta gigi di televisi dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bahkan merusak mikroorganisme seperti Streptococcus mutans atau Lactobasilus yang merusak gigi. Mikroorganisme itu mensintesis sukrosa yang tersisa di gigi menjadi dekstran yang bersifat adesif sehingga melekat pada permukaan gigi dan membentuk plak. Mikroorganisme dalam plak akan memfermentasi berbagai jenis karbohidrat yang melekat di gigi membentuk asam hingga pH mulut turun dan terjadi proses dekalsifikasi.
Dekalsifikasi adalah melarutnya email oleh asam yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme plak. Reaksi pelarutan tersebut bisa berhenti bila tak ada asam yang dihasilkan atau berkurangnya mineral dalam saliva (air ludah). Bila seseorang banyak mengonsumsi makanan mengandung karbohidrat, maka mikroorganisme secara berulang akan menghasilkan asam tersebut.
Pemberian fluor pada gigi juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara berkumur-kumur. "Dengan cara itu, fluor tidak melekat secara stabil pada permukaan email sehingga dengan mudah dicapai dan diserap mikroorganisme plak. Hal ini dapat mengganggu metabolisme mikroorganisme tersebut," ungkap Panjaitan.
Karies gigi sering menyerang pada usia sekitar 35 tahun. Oleh sebab itu, Panjaitan menyarankan agar dari usia dini langkah proteksi dimulai sehingga pada usia produktif tak akan dipusingkan persoalan sakit gigi.
"Penggunaan fluor dapat dijadikan program peningkatan kesehatan gigi anak-anak sekolah dasar. Metode kumur-kumur fluor mudah diajarkan karena waktu yang diperlukan sedikit, material juga sedikit dan murah, serta perawatan yang teratur tidak akan mengganggu pelajaran sekolah. Ini yang selalu saya kampanyekan," jelas Panjaitan bersungguh-sungguh.
Bahan yang dapat dipakai dalam program ini adalah 2 gram natrium fluorida, 8 gram natrium fluorida fosfat, atau 8 gram stannum fluorida yang masing-masing dilarutkan dalam 1 liter air. Setiap kali berkumur dengan salah satu larutan kimia itu si anak memerlukan 10 cc larutan, dan kegiatan ini dapat dilakukan sekali seminggu, 20 kali setahun.

"KITA juga dapat mengonsumsi xilitol untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi. Berbeda dari sukrosa, xilitol juga berasa manis namun tidak dapat difermentasi bakteri," jelas Panjaitan.
Ia menyebutkan, sejumlah negara di Eropa sudah menjadikan xilitol sebagai pemanis dalam permen karet. Ia juga berpendapat, alangkah baiknya bila di Indonesia langkah yang sama juga dilakukan untuk mencegah rusaknya gigi anak-anak karena terlalu banyak mengunyah permen.
"Yang harus dipikirkan sekarang bagaimana cara memperoleh xilitol dengan harga murah. Xilitol dapat diekstrak dari jagung atau buah stroberi yang harganya relatif mahal. Saya juga sedang meneliti pengaruh xilitol dalam mencegah karies gigi," ujar Panjaitan.
Merawat gigi menurut Panjaitan tak perlu menunggu seseorang dewasa. Sejak gigi susu mulai tumbuh, orangtua seharusnya bertanggung jawab membersihkan gigi bayi mereka, karena si anak belum mampu melakukannya sendiri. Alat yang digunakan gampang saja yaitu kain kasa atau yang lain dengan permukaan yang kasar.
Setelah dibasuh dengan air hangat, gunakan kain itu untuk menghapus sisa susu atau makanan lain yang melekat di gigi si anak. Dengan cara demikian, gigi susu si anak akan tetap terjaga tampilan dan kesehatannya. Selain tak akan merasa sakit gigi, siapa tahu dengan giginya yang susunannya rapi, bersih, dan terawat si anak bisa menjadi bintang iklan pasta gigi. Ting! (CTS)