Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

artikel 1


This is an inflammation of the gums, which happens due to bacterial infections or due to some disease conditions. The gums become tender and sore. There is no obvious pain, but when the gums are pressed, they will be painful and might even bleed. When plaque begins to build up on the teeth, it is an indication of a case of gingivitis coming on. Even some health conditions such as diabetes can bring on gingivitis. People who have inadequate diet, do not take care of their teeth, smoke and suffer stress often are likely candidates for this condition. However, this condition is not serious at all if it is diagnosed early. All symptoms of gingivitis can be easily reversed.
Bleeding Gums

Gums can bleed due to a variety of factors; in fact in most conditions gums will bleed. But this bleeding may not be apparent in all of these conditions. The dentists use a specific device known as a periodontal probe to determine whether or not gums are bleeding. Outwardly, this is manifested by the reddening of gums from their healthy pink color. Gums may become more sensitive and painful. If any such condition occurs, treatment becomes important because if left alone, it can cause more serious conditions later on, even culminating in the loss of teeth.

Any condition of inflammation of the gums can be called as periodontitis . In milder cases it is painless, but in chronic cases it can be extremely painful and may cause loss of teeth. In most cases of periodontitis , the damage is not only to the gums but also to the surrounding tissues and bones. The teeth are also affected. The milder form of this gum disease is known as aggressive periodontitis, while the more serious form is known as chronic periodontitis. These diseases are not age-related, but older people seem to have this condition more than younger people. Also, women are more predisposed to periodontitis than men. Tooth loss usually occurs when periodontitis aggravates to the chronic level.
Prevention of Gum Disease

All gum diseases can be prevented if due care is taken right from the start. Proper dental hygiene is a must and there must be regularity in brushing and flossing. It is vitally important not to let food particles accumulate on the teeth, gums or the tongue. Hence, tongue cleaning also becomes important.

Any changes in the gums must be noted early on. This includes any kind of darkening of the color of the gums, because the darkening will not occur all over, all at once. Also, if the toothbrush shows signs of blood after brushing, it must not be neglected, even though the brushing might have been painless.

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